
Receive our newsletters and know how you can be praying for the work in India and Nepal.

Your contribution helps the following:

  • Reach and train leaders for churches and Bible college
  • Church-planting in remote areas in villages, towns, and cities
  • Construction of community Christian centers to help build self sufficiency
  • Providing goats, chickens, sewing machines
  • Relief during disasters times such as earthquake, Tsunami, drought, famine, and Covid-19, etc.
  • Provide means for sanitation and clean drinking water
  • Christian cafes to build relationships
  • Funds for starting up preschools
  • Work with underprivileged children


For more information email us at:

Visit Us in Person

Come to India. One of the best things you can do is to visit the field and witness the work firsthand. This will give you an opportunity to see the work, to understand the struggles and challenges of the missionaries, to see where your prayers and money are going. A short-term team of 4 to 6 members is ideal. Please plan to be with us for 10 days excluding travel time. When you are ready to plan a visit, please write and ask us about the details.


If you would like us to come visit you, we have speakers in the main church service, mission work presentation during the Sunday School hour or during a weekday, VBS material, meeting with the Missions Committee, meeting with the leaders or any other thing that you would want us to do. Please contact us and let us know.